Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, March 23, 2013
My Son has wonderful things in store for you.
- Message No. 70 -

My child. Confess, for there is not much time. Holy Week is beginning, so it must be quick. Be prepared and rejoice. My Son has wonderful things in store for all of you. Trust in Him and love Him. There is nothing "greater" than being loved and embraced by Him. Get involved in this "adventure" because it is the most beautiful thing possible.
My children, rejoice. For Jesus, My Son entrusted to Me by God, loves each one of you. Accept His love and go to Him. Then you are saved from the clutches of the evil one who wants to condemn you for all eternity.
Your loving Joseph.
Thank you for building the shrine to Mary, My dear wife Mary. This is how She wished it in Her heart. Thank you.
Our Lady: Thank you, My child.
Source: ➥